Why our fundamental values support, rather than oppose, equality for sexual minorities. "It is not good for a person to be alone" : intimate relationship heals the primary flaw in creation
"I am not asleep but my heart is awake: the voice of my beloved knocks" : a loving God could never want the "closet"
"Love your neighbor as yourself" : love demands authentic compassion for others
"By the word of God were the heavens made" : sexual diversity is natural and part of God's creation
"Thou shalt not bear false witness" : honesty and integrity are sacred, "coming out" as a religious act
"Justice, justice shall you pursue" : inequality is an affront to religious values
What the "bad verses" really say about homosexuality. Leviticus : one form of male intimacy is related to worship of foreign gods
Sodom : cruelty and inhospitality are the "sins of Sodom"
The Gospels : what Jesus didn't say about homosexuality
Romans : men not being dominant is a consequence of turning from God
Corinthians and Timothy : Christians should not mingle with a pagan, idolatrous, lascivious society
David and Jonathan : love between men in the Bible
Sexual diversity in Christian theology : how did we get here from there?
Why inclusion of sexual minorities is good, not bad, for religious values. "You shall be holy, for I am holy" : equality for LGBT people is good for families, marriage, and sexual ethics
"When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me" : the growth of religious values is good for individuals and religious communities
"Everyone whose spirit moved him brought an offering to God" : sexual diversity, like other forms of diversity, enriches religious lives and communities
"And I have filled him with the spirit of God ... to devise subtle works in gold, silver, and brass" : what is homosexuality for?
"For nothing in creation can separate you from the love of God" : postscript.