Pt. 1. The subject at war. Understanding the enemy : the dialogue of fear in Fear and desire and Dr. Strangelove / Elizabeth F. Cooke ; Chaos, order, and morality : Nietzsche's influence on Full metal jacket / Mark T. Conard ; Existential ethics : where the paths of glory lead / Jason Holt
Pt. 2. The subject in love. Where the rainbow ends : Eyes wide shut / Karen D. Hoffman ; Knockout! Killer's kiss, the somatic, and Kubrick / Kevin S. Decker ; The logic of Lolita : Kubrick, Nabokov, and Poe / Jerold J. Abrams
Pt. 3. The subject and the meaning of life. Rebel without a cause : Stanley Kubrick and the banality of the good / Patrick Murray and Jeanne Schuler ; The big score : fate, morality, and meaningful life in The killing / Steven M. Sanders
Pt. 4. The subject in history. Spartacus and the second part of the soul / Gordon Braden ; The shape of man : the absurd and Barry Lyndon / Chris P. Pliatska ; The shining and anti-nostalgia : postmodern notions of history / R. Barton Palmer
Pt. 5. The subject of the future. Nihilism and freedom in the films of Stanley Kubrick / Daniel Shaw ; "Please make me a real boy" : the prayer of the artificially intelligent / Jason T. Eberl ; Nietzsche's Overman as posthuman star child in 2001 : a space odyssey / Jerold J. Abrams.