From the Book - First BenBella Books paperback edition.
Problems we face, solutions we need
Common cancers : breast, prostate, large bowel (colon and rectal)
Wide-ranging effects : bone, kidney, eye and brain diseases
Eating right : eight principles of food and health
The "science" of industry
Government : it is for the people?
Big medicine : whose health are they protecting?
From the Book - First BenBella Books edition.
Problems we face, solutions we need
Common cancers : breast, prostate, large bowel (colon and rectal)
Wide-ranging effects : bone, kidney, eye and brain diseases
Eating right : eight principles of food and health
The "science" of industry
Government : it is for the people?
Big medicine : whose health are they protecting?
From the Book - Revised and expanded edition.
The China study. Problems we face, solutions we need
Diseases of affluence. Broken hearts
Common cancers : breast, prostate, large bowel (colon and rectal)
Wide-ranging effects : bone, kidney, eye, and brain diseases
The good nutrition guide. Eating right : eight principles of food and health
Why haven't you heard this before? Science, the dark side
The "science" of industry
Government : it is for the people?
Big medicine : whose health are they protecting?
Q & A : protein effect in experimental rat studies
Experimental design of the China Study
The "vitamin" D connection.